Friday, September 28, 2018

16) September 28, 2018

  1. Welcome
  2. Create a new blog post.
    1. Name it 16) September 28, 2018
  3. Link your KCB Ch 2 Analysis to today's blog.
  4. KCB 1/2 Warm Up
    1. Ideas and Examples
      Ch 1
      Ch 2







  5. What Every American Should Know? (FINISH)
    1. Go to KQED Learn
    2. Register using your Minarets Gmail.
    3. Join class using code: duiqqd.
    4. Go to "What Should Every American Know" Investigation.
    5. Read the resources.
    6. Create an infographic for the Make and Share
      1. 10 "Things"
      2. Why?
      3. Resources
    7. Comment on Two Other Students' Work
    1. What else can we do?
    2. What about Friday?
      1. Essay Rubric
    3. Daily Closing
      1. What did you learn?
      2. How did you learn it? (What did we do and what got you to understand it?)
      3. How does it or will it affect you?
      4. How can you use it?
    4. Reading Guide

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